Emergency Relief Times
The Redland Community Centre is operating ER from Head Office (29 Loraine Street Capalaba) from 10:00am – 2:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and
Wednesday 9:00am – 12:00pm.
Wynnum ER (55 Berrima Street, Wynnum) is operating from 10:00am – 2:00pm on
Tuesdays and Thusdays.
Emergency Relief (ER) is the provision of material or financial assistance to people in crisis. Some clients access ER to help them through a ‘one-off’ episode; while for others, ER becomes part of their solution to dealing with ongoing disadvantage. The aim of ER is to assist people experiencing a crisis in a way that maintains dignity and encourages self-reliance and promotes clients towards sustainability.
The Centre offers the following types of ER assistance:
- Food parcels (packaged & fresh)
- Hygiene packs (feminine, toiletries)
- New Home Starter packs
- Homeless packs
- Bill payment (gas, electricity, phone)
- Pharmacy
- Crisis Counselling
Most importantly the Centre provides information, advocacy and referrals to other agencies and works closely with RentConnect and the Department of Housing. Please take a look at our ‘Links’ page for more information on what is available in your community.
What's in our ER Packs?

Basic Meal Pack
- Long Life Milk
- Tin of Spaghetti
- Tin of Baked beans
- Packet of Pasta Dinner
- Pasta sauces (Tuna Bake/Bolognaise)
- Dried Pasta
- Tin of Soup
- Instant Noodels (5 pack)
- Biscuits
- Coffee instant
- Tin Tuna Chunks
- Jar Peanut Butter/Jam
- Wheat Biscuit Cereal
- Jar Cheese Spread
- *Items may vary

Home Starter Pack
- Dinner set
- Cookware set
- Utensils set
- Stainless steel cutlery
- Iron
- Kettle
- Toaster
- Tea towels
- Towels
- *Dependent on stock

Plastic Sets
- Plastic dinner plate
- Plastic bowl
- Plastic mug
- Plastic cutlery
- Tea towel
- Dish cloth
- *Dependent on stock

Winter Warmers
Fleece blankets especially for ‘homeless clients’.
*Dependent on stock

Cleaning Products
- Detergent
- Washing powder
- Toilet cleaner
- Cream cleaner
- *Dependent on stock
(Made up based on the requirements of the client)

Children’s Gift Box
Small gifts suitable for young children for birthday/special occasion or as needed.
*Dependent on stock
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to live in the Redlands to be eligible for ER assistance from Redland Community Centre?
The Redland Community Centre is funded to provide Emergency Relief for community members residing within the Redlands, Bay Islands and Wynnum/Manly areas. You will need to be able to show proof of where you live.
Do I need to make an appointment to access the ER program?
The Redland Community Centre is a drop-in centre so no appointments can or need to be made. From time to time you may experience an extended wait time due to high demand of our program. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Do I need to bring ID with me for an ER assessment?
Yes, you will need to bring ID (concession card, drivers licence or student card etc) which shows your current address.
Will I need to fill out any forms to access the ER program?
Yes, a form is provided to you at Reception. If you need assistance filling out the form please advise Reception. Alternatively you can complete as much of the form as you can and wait to see the ER worker in the privacy of the ER assessment room.
Where are ER assessment meetings undertaken?
One of the core values of the Redland Community Centre is to treat our customers with respect and dignity at all times. Your ER assessment will take place in the privacy of a designated ER meeting room inside the Centre.
What if I am homeless can I still assess the ER program?
The Centre provides assistance to the homeless daily via our ER program. We have a range of products and services specifically designed to meet the needs of our homeless including; ring pull food, snacks, bottled water, blankets, towels, hygiene packs, plastic plates/knives/forks. Additionally the Centre can advocate on your behalf to other agencies. The Redland Community Centre is well connected within the NFP sector and uses collaboration as an important tool to bring about positive and sustainable change.
How often can I access food relief?
The provision of food relief is aligned to the number of members in your family and is issued on an ‘as needs’ basis. Your ER assessment worker will guide you through the process and advise you of the preferred frequency of your visits.
What can I expect in my food parcel?
The Redland Community Centre has developed a food parcel that provides a nutritious and flexible assortment of staple food provisions. You will also receive bread as part of the parcel. At times the Centre has fresh fruit and meat parcels. Special dietary requirements can be catered for so please let our ER workers know if you have any allergies. If you have any suggestions for how we can improve our food parcels please don’t hesitate to provide your feedback to the Centre or the ER worker.
Does the Redland Community Centre help with my electricity/gas bill?
Yes, the Centre may provide assistance with utility bills, however this is reliant on funding and the provision of sustainable living. The level of assistance provided is assessed during your meeting with our ER worker. You will need to bring a current bill/account; showing the amount outstanding and the bill must be in your name at your current address. Financial assistance for bills payment is restricted and may not be issued more than once annually.
Does the Redland Community Centre help with rent?
Yes, the Centre may provide assistance with rent, however this level of financial assistance is reliant on funding and the provision of sustainable living. The level of assistance provided is assessed during your meeting with our ER worker. You will need to bring your tenancy agreement, rent journal, proof of income and ID. The ER worker will assess your request against your ability to sustain the tenancy. Financial assistance for rent is restricted and may not be issued more than once annually.